
Episode 50: A Polka Dot is Never Alone: The Rise of Polkadot-native Blockchains with Irina Karagyaur

January 12, 2023

In this BlockSolid podcast episode hosted by Yael Tamar, Irina Karagyaur explains the underlying features of blockchain that span beyond tradability and collateralization to create a powerful format for secure messaging across Polkadot-native blockchains.

About Irina Karagyaur:

Irina Karagyaur is the Head of Ecosystem Growth and Business Development at Unique Network, where she leads the business and ecosystem growth activities for the organization. She works to empower creators and artists to recognize the value of NFTs by providing them with the most advanced tools available.

She is a Polkadot Head Ambassador for Western Europe, and also London’s Regional Co-Chair to FIBREE (the Foundation for International Blockchain and Real Estate Expertise). With over 10 years of experience, she has established herself as an international business development professional in strategic partnerships, analysis of foreign markets, and business planning across the UK, EU, and Russia.


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